Dialogue between businesses, institutions and the local community is a development factor that COIMA recognises and values. It is committed to maintaining continual, active communication at the institutional level and to cultivating an open dialogue with its communities, in order to integrate with and support local development trends.
COIMA’s relationships with its stakeholders are multichannel, using the most appropriate means of listening and engagement with each category.
Investor relations
COIMA’s ability to dialogue effectively with investors and communicate the company’s vision and the characteristics of the projects under development is a central factory in the management of financial capital. This dialogue takes place through dedicated meetings, and also through the organisation of national and international roadshows.
The COIMA Real Estate Forum, held every year, is an important event for public and private investors.
The Forum also included the presentation of the COIMA ESG City Impact Fund, the first Italian closed-end investment fund with measurable ESG impact targets, which will invest in sustainable territorial regeneration at the national level.
Dialogue with the community
COIMA’s digital channels, are particularly crucial in the current period and have played a very important role in allowing communications with the various stakeholders. The coima.com website consolidated its position as the main channel of communication in the COIMA ecosystem, also hosting the Urban Stories storytelling project. The COIMA LinkedIn profile continued to provide information in the professional bracket, reaching and exceeding 50.000 followers and increasingly becoming a key point of reference in terms of employer branding. Lastly, 2020 saw the inauguration of a corporate newsletter, Urban Stories, which was launched to contribute to the debate on the evolution of our cities and addressed to all domestic and international stakeholders.
Naturally, the projects managed by COIMA were also affected by the pandemic. In response, a major communications plan was introduced based on strict procedures which was shared and communicated using most effective communication tools, such as on-site signs and information newsletters.
Network creation
COIMA promotes relationships with industry associations, universities, businesses and professionals, to contribute to the creation of a “system” to stimulate innovation in the sector and speed up the process of its adoption. Finding the right partners and exploiting the potential of the latest technologies is fundamental for shaping the future of the real estate sector.