The Group’s sustainability strategy is also defined by two fundamental documents: the Sustainability Policy, which includes the COIMA Way and long- term objectives, and Transition to Impact. The COIMA Way contains guidelines, documents, standards and current and future programmes that oversee the gradual implementation of the Sustainability Policy in daily activities, for the achievement of the long-term objectives and the clear definition of the Group’s approach to ESG issues. Transition to Impact sets out long, medium and short- term objectives, the most important of which are detailed below, and is thus the more technical document required for defining and monitoring the ESG goals considered most applicable and relevant, each correlated to the relative Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The long-term objectives guide the definition of the medium and short-term objectives, which are then translated into MBO (Management by Objectives) for all Group functions, reflecting the conviction that integrating ESG issues in all business units and guaranteeing the input of every single staff member is the most effective way of achieving targets and creating real positive impact.