COIMA has chosen to implement its approach by making sustainability and innovation the main drivers.

We believe that the natural evolution of our company is to promote an impact investment strategy in the communities and cities in which we operate. Contributing positively to the challenges the world is facing today, such as climate change, creating inclusive communities with equal opportunities, and at the same time achieving the economic returns our investors deserve is our goal for a common long-term vision for a healthier and more resilient model.
Kelly Russell Catella
Head of Sustainability & Communication, Chairman Sustainable Innovation Committee
The need to urgently address the climate emergency, promote equal opportunities and contribute to a more equitable society require tangible actions which COIMA will implement. Our goal is to become an impact organization and create long-term value for stakeholders. This positive impact must accompany the reduction of risks associated with our business.
COIMA outlined its ESG strategy by defining its material issues, which include the most relevant social, environmental and governance aspects.
This is seen from a dual perspective - impact for the Group, and relevance for the external framework and stakeholders. Material issues are consistent at Group level and include several analyses of national and international standards and guidelines, and sectorial and other benchmark analyses.
Based on material issues, COIMA developed its ESG objectives up to 2030, prepared by management in cooperation with the Sustainability Team. The long-term objectives are broken down into medium and short-term goals and involve the entire company. They are outlined in the "Transition to Impact" document with a 2025 and 2030 timeframe. The document’s objective is to make sustainability transversal across company activities and fully integrated in all business units.
COIMA developed the "COIMA WAY" ” - a document summarising processes, procedures, and activities in place or to be developed in the future for the effective achievement of ESG strategic objectives.